Parents’ Barometer 2023 – Survey for daycare and preschool

Parents’ Barometer 2023 – Survey for parents and guardians with a child in daycare, family daycare, or preschool.
The survey is open from November 20, 2023, to January 7, 2024, and you can respond in either Finnish or Swedish.
What do you, as a parent, think about your child’s early childhood education or preschool? Is the collaboration with the daycare smooth? How is parental involvement realized? Take part in the Parents’ Barometer survey and share your views. Your opinion is very important to us.
This survey is the second edition of the Parents’ Barometer, with a focus on early childhood education and preschool. You can participate in the survey if you have a child in daycare, family daycare or preschool.
Responding to the survey takes about 20 minutes. Answer the questions thinking about one of your children. You can respond to the survey also together with your child. If you want to respond to the survey for multiple children, fill out a separate form for each child.
All responses will be treated anonymously, and individual respondents cannot be identified. The collected data may also be shared with a third party for
research purposes.
The Finnish Parents’ League and the Swedish Parents’ Association in Finland are conducting the survey in collaboration. The results of the study will be published in May 2024.
Warm thanks for your valuable participation!