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Pride Picnic

29.6.2023 at 15.00 18.00

Our Pride event is here again – Welcome to the Pride picnic!

We have music and games, and you can bring your own games and food. The event is substance-free.

What: Pride picnic in Kauniainen – Grankulla
When: Thursday, June 29th, from 3 PM to 6 PM
Where: City Hall lawn, Kauniaistentie 10
Who: LGBTQ+ community and people of all ages from Kauniainen – Grankulla.
Free event.

Organized by: Kauniainen Cultural Services and Kauniainen Youth Services

Safer Space Guidlines
Let’s be kind to each other. Let’s help if someone needs assistance.
We are diverse, and that is our richness. Let’s treat everyone with respect.
Let’s not make assumptions about people’s gender, sexuality, background, nationality, or abilities.
Let’s respect what individuals share about themselves and how they define themselves. Everyone also has the right to privacy.
Let’s not assume that everyone knows and can do the same things.
There are various identities and life situations – let’s not exclude anyone with our language.
No one should be treated poorly or belittled based on personal characteristics such as gender, age, appearance, health, or background.
Racist, homophobic, and transphobic speech and behavior are prohibited.

Read more about Pride here:

Event cost

Free entry

Age limit

No age limit

Events webpage