Sibelius and Brahms at Spring Concert of Local Symphony Orchestra

Petri Sakari conducts the Kauniainen orchestra’s performance of classical masterpieces
The Kauniainen orchestra consists of some 60 amateurs and former professional musicians. This concert features symphony No. 3 by Johannes Brahms, and two symphonic poems by Jean Sibelius: Spring song (La tristesse du printemps) and En Saga. The orchestra is led by Petri Sakari, who has many years of experience as a conductor of professional and amateur orchestra in Europe and elsewhere.
What: Sibelius and Brahms at Spring Concert of Local Symphony Orchestra
When: Sunday 16.4.23 at 18.00
Where: Uusi Paviljonki, Läntinen koulupolku 3, 02700 Kauniainen
How much: Tickets available at Ticketmaster: 25€ /15 € (+ service fee). Tickets also sold at the entrance. Free entrance with the Kaikukortti.
For who: Music enjoyers.
Organizers: The Symphony Orchestra in Kauniainen Grankulla in collaboration with the cultural services in Kauniainen Grankulla.
Event cost
25€ /15 € (+ käsittelymaksu). Lippuja myydään myös ovella. Vapaa sisäänpääsy Kaikukortilla.
Age limit
No age limit